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Daniel’s achievements have been widely recognized as he has had multiple articles written about him.

9 Sustainable Fashion Activists Have One Message For Us All

There are changes brewing within the fashion industry: Ethical and sustainable brands are popping up left and right while existing ones are starting to shift toward a more mindful existence. Fashion’s most prominent figures are beginning to bring to light and speak out against the industry’s unethical practices.


Daniel Charkow is @Shoe_Man_Dan on Instagram

Street Chic raved about Daniel’s talents and style in an article titled, “Daniel Charkow is @shoe_man_dan on Instagram.” Street Chic predicts, “by December 2018 this prolific young craftsman will have several thousand followers, and that number will climb to a quarter million devotees by the time he’s age 19.” The article continues to share, “Already Daniel knows more about shoes than anyone else his age.”


These slick boots are made from recycled film

Coat, $725, Eileen Fisher. Dress, $730, Dry Clean Only. Boots, $1750, Daniel Charkow.

Jewish Student Revives the Craft of Shoemaking

The Canadian Jewish News (CJN) wrote an article called, “Jewish Student Revives the Art of Shoemaking”. The article writes about Daniel’s dedication sharing that, “Charkow is currently working on his first commercially available collection, which combines high fashion and recycled materials. Charkow Shoes range from $400 to $800 a pair. A single pair of his hand-made shoes can take some 30 hours to complete.” 


Toronto Teen Shoe Designer Puts Best Foot Forward

The Times of Israel wrote an article about Daniel titled, “Toronto Teen Shoe Designer Puts Best Foot Forward.” The article starts off by writing, “Daniel is not looking to step into anyone else’s shoes. He wants others to step into his.”  Daniel shared, “I want to make handmade shoes, not outsourced ones. I want customers to know that a craftsperson has actually touched their shoes.”


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